Spring is in the air in Bend, and it’s time to freshen up your home. You’re probably itching to do your spring cleaning since there’s nothing better than a clean home to usher in the new seasons. When freshening up your home this spring, follow this guide to get the best indoor air quality for better health and greater comfort.

Change the Air Filters

The air filters in your HVAC system keep dust and allergens out of your circulating air. Your air filters should be changed about every three months, depending on the type of filters you use. A dirty filter means more dust and allergens coming through your vents, and your HVAC system must work harder.

Clean the AC Unit

Your outdoor air conditioning unit takes a beating over the harsh Bend winter. Before you turn it on for the warmer months, head outside and clean the outside of the unit. Use your garden hose on low pressure to wash away dirt and remove debris on top. Your unit will work more efficiently when cleared off.

Clean Vents and Registers

The vents, registers, and air grates your indoor air travel through can get dusty and dirty. Take a damp cloth and wipe them clean. Most of these can be removed easily for better cleaning. Intake vents are especially dusty from the air in your home, so take some extra time to clean them.

Consider Professional Duct Cleaning

Professional duct cleaning uses a vacuum system and high-pressure air to remove dirt and debris from your HVAC ductwork. You might consider hiring a professional for this service to lower the amount of dust and allergens in your indoor air.

Get an Air Purifying System

Whole-home purifiers reduce the amount of allergens and pollutants in your home’s air. Air purification is especially beneficial for those with asthma or other respiratory diseases. Mountain View Heating, Inc. specializes in air purification systems, with technicians highly skilled in installation.

Get your spring cleaning started today with a call to Mountain View Heating, Inc. Our expert technicians will help you with your heating and cooling system, ductwork, and air purification with their specialized training and advanced knowledge.

Call Mountain View Heating, Inc. today to get a jump start on your spring cleaning and schedule AC maintenance.

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